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Every seed is held and nourished before breaking ground.

It is so much easier to grow, move, risk, innovate, focus, know ourselves and speak our truth from safe space.

Creating Safe Space honors wholistic living as a path to achieving human potential. An ideal practice for leaders, educators, human advocates, parents and individuals that nurtures ground breaking results.

My belief is that every person deserves to live, work, learn, and love in Safe Space. Creating Safe Space is a mindful path for leadership, education, and life. The approach is intentional and takes courage, insight and risk. To know thyself, as Socrates wrote, is only one half of the equation. To sustain balance we must not only know ourselves - we must Be ourselves.

This philosophy is grounded in Creating Safe Space as a foundation for Emotional Intelligence, Focus, Creativity, Innovation, Teamwork, Management, Education, Parenting, Spiritual Awakening and reaching Personal and Organizational goals.
My signature offering is Creating Safe Space Retreats. These provide the space and time to decompress and reconnect with yourself, deeply listening to your voice and your wisdom. Doing so provides greater opportunity to hear the questions of your heart, respond with your truth, and reach a place of calm and understaning - your safe space. 
Human potential is filled when we see the opportunity, set the path and take the first authentic step to Creating Safe Space for ourselves and others.
Even a seed is held and nurtured before breaking ground. Throughout our lifetimes we are asked and expected to break new ground! This can be such a daunting task, sometimes filled with anxiety and fear. Where do we gather our courage from, our ingenuity, our motivation and strength? 
Creating Safe Space is the foundation to break new ground, to holistically grow and renew - mind, body, spirit and heart - To hold your potential, to Live a Life of Meaning.  
What is it that you are doing to care for and authentically inspire human spirit? How are you caring for yourself, reducing your stress, reinvigorating your energy? How often do you feel content with yourself, with what you are doing and how you are living your life?  
Connecting to human spirit is the nourishment necessary for reaching and sustaining our individual and organizational potential and well-being. Creating Safe Space is the well in well-being and the missing ingredient for our spirits to both be at rest and to soar. 
Create Safe Space for yourself...Create positive change for our world.  
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